Ceramic production process

- Mar 25, 2018-

Practice mud: Take porcelain stone from the mining area, first use artificial hammer to break up the block to egg size, then use water hammer to make powder, wash, remove impurities, and precipitate to make brick-like mud. Then reconstitute the mud with water, remove the residue, knead with both hands, or step on the foot to squeeze out the air in the mud and make the mud even. I was deeply regretted that I did not see this part in the ancient kiln, so I looked for it on my way to Sampo Village and I was privileged to witness it. This porcelain stone processing method has a long history and should be synchronized with the porcelain history of Jingdezhen.

Pull blanks: throw the mud pellets in the center of the car's turntable, and draw the rough shape of the blanks with the flexion and extension of the hand. Pulling is the first process of forming. The forming of the blank must first be familiar with the shrinkage of the material. The total shrinkage rate of Jingdezhen porcelain clay is approximately 18-20%, and the scale is determined according to the size and variety of types and the hardness and hardness of different materials. Due to the softness of Jingdezhen's porcelain clay, the drawn blanks are thicker than other clays. The billet must not only notice the shrinkage, but also pay attention to the shape. In case of large-size products, they must be drawn in sections. From each section, it can be seen that the master's skill is good or bad. The special beauty of Jingdezhen ceramics and the formation of porcelain culture are inextricably linked with its unique materials and craftsmanship. Even to a certain extent, Jingdezhen porcelain is famous in the world, and in addition to the local “gifty” clay, basic These are the skills of "unusual workers" to turn these ordinary "things" into human "pets." Therefore, it is the continuous division of work, evolution, and inheritance of the craftsmanship of porcelain that is really protected by the "spirit." This thousand years of craftsmanship has created and formed the most dazzling aura in the history of human ceramics and even in the history of civilization. This halo is dazzling and awe-inspiring.

Blank: The shape of the stamp is formed by the internal body shape arc of the blank, and the semi-dry billet is covered on the mold type, and the billet is evenly pressed against the outer wall of the billet, and then the mold is demoulded.